Useful links

Emergency Contact numbers

Call 999 for any immediate life-threatening emergency requiring ambulance, police and/or fire services.  

101 is the police non-emergency number, for issues you wish to report that are less urgent than a 999 situation (i.e., they are non-life threatening).  

For more information on reporting a crime see this advice from the police.    

111 is the non-emergency NHS health advice line.  The service is available 24-hours a day, 365 days a year. Use if you think you may need to go to A&E or need another NHS urgent care service but it is not a life-threatening situation.  For less urgent health needs, contact your GP or local pharmacist in the usual way.  If a health professional has given you a specific number to call when you are concerned about your condition, continue to use that number.

NHS GP Practices

To find a local NHS GP contact the Barkantine PracticeIsland Medical Service, and the Docklands Medical Centre.

Canary Wharf

There's usually always something going on at Canary Wharf.  Art exhibitions, sporting events, fashion shows...all on our doorstep. 

Evening view from canary riverside

Evening view from canary riverside